Mother's Luv

Brittany Hart is at your service to provide you and your baby the support, comfort, and knowledge needed to facilitate healthy bonding and successful lactation.

Incorporating gentle techniques and lots of "love"

Learn More

Heart of baby handprint
Closeup of Mother and Baby's Hands
Breast Pump against the Background of a Mother Holding Child.

About Me

Welcome parents and babies! My name is Brittany Hart. I have 10 years of personal lactation experience and knowledge to share with you all. I have six children, and have successfully breastfed 5 (three premature neonates-a set of twins, 1 term, and 1 post-term) of the six. I am familiar with the challenges many new and more experienced parents can face. No two babies are the same. Life post pregnancy can be busy and stressful, let me help make the bonding and feeding time with your baby not. With a little, patience, gentle techniques, and love, breastfeeding can be a memorable and happy time for everyone involved!

Brittany RN, BSN

Healthcare has been a passion for me since I can remember. I graduated from the University of Memphis (Lambuth) and obtained a Bachelor's degree in Health Services and then later a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing. I have worked as a NICU nurse as well. Currently, I'm working on becoming certified as an IBCLC (internationally board certified laction consultant) and graduating with a MSN to practice as nurse practioner. I love what I do, and I would love to help other parents bond and nourish their baby!

Servicing Diversity

breast milk storage bags for new baby in refrigerator
Breastfeeding Mother
lactation consultant on breastfeeding pumping



Lactation Education


Lactation Counseling





Remote Services



Private home sessions


Contact Me

Brittany Hart, RN, BSN


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